Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Learning About Properties of Objects

The past few weeks in Science Workshop, students have been using their five senses to learn about our world. They have also been using their senses to sort objects based on their properties. In our class, we define properties as the characteristics of an object; we think 'How can we describe this object?'
We have been focusing on shape, color, size, weight, and texture. Today, we studied weight and texture. We had the awesome opportunity to use balances to weigh our objects and to work around the room with our table partners to describe the texture of objects! We made sure to record all of our data in our science notebooks because we know that good Scientists make sure to keep track of all of the information they collect. We have done a super job with this unit and can't wait to see more from our Super Scientists this year!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about what you are learning every day in class. You really are super scientists!
