Monday, October 22, 2012

Math Journals

Math journals are used to build a student's number fluency. By the end of first grade, we want students to be able to take a number and be able to identify how to represent the number using tally marks, place value (groups of hundreds, tens, and ones), greater than/less than, money, use the number in story problems, as well as addition and subtraction equations. The pictures below show a chart that outlines what the student's should do for the number of the day in their math journal. Also, you will see a hands-on tool that students use to help them with creating addition and subtraction equations ( 20 linking cubes strung together-10 of one color, 10 of another color).

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your math journals. It is so great to see all the work that your kids are doing. We work in math journals, but it is great to see all the other sections that they can fill in for the number of the day. Your are so amazing!
